Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
1745 Minocqua Street, Indianapolis, In 46203
“For We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Rev. Jamie Melton
Rev. Jamie L Melton
Rev. Jamie LaJoyce Melton is the youngest child of James Sr. and Lue Emma Melton. Jamie is a proud product of the Indianapolis Public Schools. In 2003, she received a Bachelor’s Degree from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana where she studied Secondary Education. She currently works as an educator in the Indianapolis area.
Taking the mandate of membership, leadership and mentorship seriously, Jamie served at Phillips Temple-Indianapolis as a member of the Board of Christian Education, the Strategic Planning Committee and the Music & Fine Arts Department and as the Secretary of the Church Conference.
Jamie has represented the Ohio Central Region of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Order of the Flame, as a delegate to the 2010 General Conference and at the World Methodist Council.
Jamie’s passion for ministry to and with young adults is evidenced by her continuing commitment to training, spiritual formation, and dialogue with young people. She is currently the Cincinnati Dayton Indianapolis District Director of Young Adults and the immediate past president of the Ohio-Central Indiana Region Young Adults.
Jamie accepted the call to preach on August 29th, preached her trial sermon on October 19th and was licensed as a local preacher on October 30, 2010. She was admitted into full connection at the 2016 Annual Conference under the leadership of Bishop Marvin Frank Thomas. She walks both boldly and humbly as the pastor of Stewart Memorial-Indianapolis.
Jamie also proudly serves on the ministry and management team of Vision Ministries, a creative arts ministry that takes the gospel from the page to the stage.
Jamie has a gift for making the gospel relevant for hearers of every age and context. She is a passionate teacher and approaches ministry with an abundance of energy and creativity. Her passion, dedication and creativity reinforces her commitment to advancing the kingdom by equipping God’s people with the heart of the gospel. She also issues the challenge to seek deeper depths of relationship with God in every teaching and message. Overall, Jamie’s approach to ministry has distinguished her as a sought after facilitator of Bible Studies, workshops, sermons and next level worship leadership.
The life, ministry and hope of Rev. Melton can be summed up in the words of her favorite scripture,Jeremiah 29:12- When you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.